I don’t understand all these faux patriots who continue to support the baseless allegations made by soon to be ex-President Donald Trump regarding election fraud. There was no election fraud, even Trump’s own attorneys told multiple judges there wasn’t election fraud even though they tell the media that it was rampant. Recently the Georgia Secretary of State had the Georgia Bureau of Investigation check 15,000 absentee ballots for correct signatures. Guess how many were fraudulent? Zero!
Now these faux patriots like Rep.-elect Burgess Owens are going to challenge the certified results of the 2020 presidential election in swing states that Trump lost. During the 2020 congressional races, Owens was exposed as a Q-Anon believer and carpetbagger, and it appears he has also exposed himself as an idiot. It’s disgraceful that Owens is willing to undermine the Constitution in order to gain further favor with the Trump voter base.
Speaking of Trump’s Utah voter base, these people who voted for Owens and Trump are willing to burn our democracy down to the ground by supporting an attempted coup to overturn a fair and free election. The only known voter fraud that I’m aware of occurring in Utah’s elections was those by voters signing and mailing in ballots that were intended for their children who are on church missions. I guess that was OK because you didn’t hear GOP voters and congressmen stand up and say that Utah’s elections were rife with fraud and to throw out the results. Faux patriots indeed.
Ryan Hinkins, Salt Lake City