
Letter: Power is not ‘better’ when it is abused

When I read Mr. Lancaster’s letter to the editor “Using political power,” I was bemused by his final sentence: “Having political power is better than not having political power.”

How do I challenge a statement that is almost certainly a tautology? Alas, I cannot, but I do find that I want to add to Mr. Lancaster’s vapid statement. In this spirit, I suggest the following:

• “It is better to use one’s political power for the welfare of the nation than it is to harm the country.”

• “It is better to promote honesty and integrity in government than it is to advance corruption and deceit.”

• “It is better to pardon Weldon Angelos than it is to pardon the legitimate prison sentences of a whole slew of dishonorable, sociopathic white-collar criminals because they support your corrupt administration.”

• “It is better to save American lives than it is to ignore a pandemic and watch our country’s residents die needlessly.”

Is it really “better” to have political power when the one who wields the power is the most dishonest, corrupt president in American history?

Ken Roach, Salt Lake City

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