
Letter: Low teacher pay isn’t the fault of pro athletes

Laura Grzymkowski missed a couple of very important points in her letter about basketball players’ salaries. It’s not her money that is paying these salaries. She has the choice of whether to spend her entertainment money on sports and players’ salaries. It does not come at the expense of teachers’ salaries.

Secondly, it’s entertainment. No different than singers like Bruce Springsteen or Taylor Swift, or dozens of movie stars like Jim Carrey or Adam Sandler. We get to choose who or even if we want to spend our money to enrich them.

It’s our elected representatives she should be mad at, and ultimately ourselves for voting them in office and not doing anything about low teacher salaries.

I agree that the rationalization that it boosts the economy is flimsy. If there was no basketball team to support, people would do other things with their entertainment dollars, like ski more, go to more movies, dine out more often or even travel more.

If she thinks teachers should get higher pay, she needs to contact her representatives and form like-minded groups to publicize their cause. Letters to the editor help, too, if she blames the right people.

Edward Mont Anderson, North Salt Lake City

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