
Letter: GOP lawmakers guilty of sedition

Dictionary.com defines sedition as “1) Incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government; 2) Any action, especially in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.” Disgraced Gen. Michael Flynn has recently made statements that clearly meet this definition by calling for martial law and a military overthrow of the presidential election results.

Closer to home, Sen. Mike Lee, Rep. Chris Stewart and Rep.-elect Burgess Owens have also made public comments questioning the validity of the election. They have also supported crazy conspiracy theories from groups like QAnon and propagated through fanatical social media sites like Parler. These theories widely promote violence against people who do not support Donald Trump, including mass executions and suspension of protections within the Bill of Rights. As such, their actions are seditious and need to be addressed.

I believe these men have a choice to make. One is to publicly renounce their previous statements that promote unrest and rebellion. If not that, since they are unable to fulfil their oaths of office to defend the Constitution, they should resign their positions effective immediately.

Bill Hooper, Taylorsville

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