
Letter: No evidence of election fraud

Sen. Mike Lee keeps saying that Donald Trump is well within his legal rights to make sure the election had no massive fraud. He says we should support Trump within his legal rights.

If Trump had merely said, “I want to check and make sure the election was fair and square,” that would have been one thing. But, no, long before the election, he accused the Democrats of massive election fraud. As he did in 2016. Both he and his press secretary have said, “Democrats welcome large-scale fraud,” and “They stole the election!” Without any concrete evidence, it is becoming clear. This is a far cry from merely checking to see if it was “fair and square.”

His sources are Rush Limbaugh, “Fox and Friends” and various dubious websites. Sorry, that is not cutting it with judges, many of whom are Republican conservatives. Only a sycophant would support that.

By the way, I doubt his Captain Moroni bragged about grabbing women by the p---y.

Gordon Johnston, West Valley City

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