
Letter: Stewart hosts fake patriotic event

Imagine having a moral compass that says it’s OK to invoke Pearl Harbor Day for the purpose of marketing your own partisan politics.

Actually, you don’t have to. Rep. Chris Stewart is hosting a fundraising event on Dec. 7 (Pearl Harbor Day) for the purpose of meddling in the upcoming Georgia Senate runoff elections. The Utah congressional delegation will be there, talking about how they are “more American” than anyone who disagrees with them, and invoking Pearl Harbor heroism as if they somehow “own it.”

This fake patriot event shows contempt and disrespect for the veterans of World War II.

To Stewart I say: How dare you. The American flag belongs to all of us, not just you. My grandfather served in the Air Force during WWII. Your fake patriotism is an insult to his memory. You wouldn’t be fit to shine his boots.

God bless him and god bless America.

John Barnhill, Salt Lake City

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