
Letter: Disappointed in the LDS vote

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I am disappointed by the huge number of Mormons who voted for a person who is known to be a liar, racist, sexist, cheater on taxes and business dealings, narcissist and promoter of violence.

I’ve heard there are two “mega” reasons:

Reason one: “I won’t vote for anyone who supports abortion.” Really? He separated children from parents and locked them in cages at our southern border; he tried to take away health insurance for families; he refused to pay honest wages to workers who built his hotels and casinos; he told people to stop wearing masks during a deadly pandemic.

Which death toll are you willing to accept? But you believe in a person’s right to choose gun rights, mask-and-social-not-distancing rights, and yet you don’t believe in a woman’s right to own her body? Mormons believe God saves all children under the age of 8, unless you think there’s an “exclusion clause” somewhere?

Reason two: “I want to protect my money interests, stock portfolio, the ‘economy’ and, besides, poor people choose to be poor!”

Would you choose to be poor? I don’t recall anywhere Mormon scriptures telling us to protect our incomes or precious commodities; in fact, we are told just the opposite. Give all we have so that there are “no poor among us.”

But you want to protect your job. What about those who have no job because of their skin color, sexual orientation, social status, sex, religion or just unfair poverty wages?

So exactly who are you willing to elevate to the highest office in the land? Perhaps you were voting secretly for someone “exactly like yourself”?

Beverly Terry, Salt Lake City

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