
Letter: LDS voters show their true colors

To my LDS neighbors,

When you walk into church with your head held high, we know better. When you knock on our doors to explain your morals and beliefs, we know better, when you claim to live by the word of God, we know better.

You cannot vote for a man who is obviously against every value Mormons live by and still claim moral superiority. I’ve lost all respect and will never look at you without hearing him say, “Grab 'em by the p----”; without seeing children in cages; without knowing you condoned those and many other moral atrocities. Things will never be the same. Because we know better.

You’ve shown your true colors, where your priorities really lie. Speaking on behalf of all your non-LDS neighbors, we’re disappointed.

I really, honestly believed you’d choose the right. Maybe I’m the fool for thinking the testimony you bear comes from the heart.

I’m praying for your souls.

Amanda Martinez, West Valley City

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