
Letter: I will miss the print Tribune

I was deeply saddened to read the announcement that my daily ritual of starting the day with my Salt Lake Tribune over a cup of coffee will end in two months. Since moving to Utah 22 years ago, my morning SLTrib has been my connection to my adopted home.

I know that nothing I say will change your decision, but I cannot be silent.

Yes, you will offer to sell me an on-line subscription, but it’s not the same. I get The New York Times online, but I have no choice what to read without scrolling through the entire issue. And reading on a 3-inch screen is no fun when you are over 80 years old. Neither is going to a less comfortable room to use the laptop.

With the morning hard copy paper I can see at a glance how to prioritize my choice of what to read first, what can wait, and what I can ignore.

If you are true to your word, and continue to provide excellent journalism that informs us all about this city, county and state, I shall do my best to adapt.

Edward J. Zipser, Salt Lake City

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