
Letter: Small businesses must go digital to survive

Many Utah small business owners are still struggling to find their balance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, we live in an age of technology and many small businesses have converted their business online. I am grateful for tech companies, like Google and Facebook, that have invested in small businesses by providing free or low-cost services and resources that are helping many businesses survive.

The Connected Commerce Council recently released a study detailing the existence and importance of the small business “digital safety net.” Their research finds that small businesses using more digital tools, technologies and online marketplaces are doing better during the COVID-19 pandemic. Utah small businesses reported the second-best revenue outcomes of any state. They also discovered that 76% of Utah small businesses increased their use of digital tools during the pandemic and those businesses that used more digital tools earlier did even better.

We are not going back to a less-digital world — this is our new normal, and no group has benefited more from access to affordable, secure and accessible digital tools and technologies than small businesses.

Luke McDermott, South Jordan

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