
Letter: Control your dogs

For eight years I have enjoyed walking in Memory Grove and up City Creek Canyon, which are close to my home — except for navigating the number of dogs running loose, contrary to the signs at the south end of Memory Grove and the north end of City Creek road. The only off-leash area is on the dirt trail on the east side of the creek.

In the past few months I saw an Animal Services officer talk to two of the offenders, who then put leashes on their pets. As soon as his van was out of sight, they took the leashes off. The officer told me later that he was just talking to people to educate them, but to me it didn’t appear to be particularly successful. I must suffer from PTDS (post traumatic dog syndrome) since I have been bitten by a dog and have had to sell my home twice and move to escape irresponsible dog owners who allowed their canines to bark for hours.

Walking in City Creek Canyon, I have been barked at menacingly and had numerous dogs jump up on me with their muddy paws wanting to play. Never has a dog owner called their pet back. In fact, my attitude that I should be able to walk without dogs harassing me seems to be offensive to the dog owners. To Animal Services: Education hasn’t worked. Please start giving citations and fines. People might change their ways if they are hit in the pocketbook.

Maude Norman, Salt Lake City

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