
Letter: A testimonial from the parent of a ‘troubled teen’

I am writing in response to the article “Inside Utah’s troubled teen industry.” It is my obligation to express my personal experience, as not all residential treatment centers are created equal. Can you imagine having a daily fear that you are going to get a knock on your door that your child is dead? I was desperate to save my child from her own self destruction after seeking help from multiple counselors, psychiatrists, and the police.

I was watching Dr. Phil and learned about Turn-About Ranch (TAR) in Escalante. I knew this had to be my answer. On Jan. 5, 2018, we brought my 16-year-old to the ranch. We received a private tour of the ranch from participating teens without the presence of any staff. I was assured they were treated wonderfully. My daughter stayed at TAR until April 13, 2018, and had not only a life-changing experience; she had a life-saving experience.

A place like TAR being put under scrutiny because of other facilities' bad reputations is a travesty. My daughter never felt unsafe, was never medicated, and was able to be a part of the community of Escalante. My daughter and I have returned twice since her graduation and were able to participate in group counseling sessions with teens. She has continued to have a wonderful relationship with staff members and is doing great. She recently completed her education to become a licensed esthetician. She often thanks me for sending her to Turn-About Ranch, because she says she knows they saved her life. We both proudly advocate for Turn-About Ranch and the values they teach.

Angie Lewis, Lumberton, Texas

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