
Letter: Salt Lake City street plans are a slap in the face

I received an email from a neighbor (who received it from another, etc., etc.) about Salt Lake City’s plans for its streets. That I, and everyone else in the city, hasn’t received this info from the city itself is unconscionable. And that the deadline for response is Aug. 31 is another indication that the “planners” are less than concerned about residents’ input is another slap in the face. The website that the city has for the plans is utterly confusing, and I suspect that is intentional. But from what I and the neighbors I have discussed it with can gather, many of the plans are idiotic and counterproductive, i.e., turning much of 2100 South into a two-lane road.

Various changes on many residential streets (such as no parking or only parking on one side of the street) are not warranted, wanted or in the interest of the current residents or users. Just drive down 300 South, make a note of the number of bicyclists, and see how effective the city’s “planners” are.

I suspect the “planners” may have “consulted” with many of our developers and contractors and many of the plans are a first step to rezoning so “high-density housing” (don’t read affordable) can begin creeping into more and more neighborhoods.

So, SLC planners, if you really intend to improve the streets, traffic and the lives of your current residents and visitors, here’s a suggestion. Repave the streets that have been sorely neglected in all neighborhoods for decades. Do it with 21st century materials, engineering and techniques. And try some transparency in the process. The appreciation of the residents and infrastructure users will be overwhelmingly gratifying. Although possibly not as personally aggrandizing as the “appreciation” of those you are really trying to please.

Bob Barr, Salt Lake City

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