
Letter: Send Ben McAdams back to Congress

Rep. Ben McAdams was sent to Washington to work for better lives for the people in Utah’s 4th Congressional District and in the country.

As he listened to voters' needs and interests, he said yes to protecting older workers against discrimination, and he voted against war with Iran. When constituents expressed concerns, he voted to protect the American Wilderness and to support the Great American Outdoors Act.

After the life-altering coronavirus spread to the United States, McAdams voted for coronavirus preparedness, for paycheck protection and health care enhancement and to protect housing and provide for housing relief. His vote helped pass the National Defense Act of 2021, the Child Care for Economic Recovery and the Child Care is Essential Act.

Privately, McAdams was stricken with the coronavirus; after hospitalization and recovery, he has reported on his personal struggle with this disease, helping to inform his constituents of his ordeal. He is approachable, understanding, smart, educated and experienced.

Being effective in the House of Representatives is not about appealing to nationalism and romantic patriotism; effectiveness is about talking and listening to voters, and having the legislative familiarity to put ideas into action.

Return Ben McAdams to Congress to continue working for the people of the 4th District.

Katherine Dayton-Kistler, South Jordan

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