When will Cheryl Acton and Republican “representatives” finally start listening to the people? The Tribune recently reported that the 18-week abortion ban has cost Utah taxpayers more than $86,000 in legal fees so far and could blow up to $1 to $3 million. Not only do most Utahns oppose additional abortion restrictions, the law is likely to be struck down as unconstitutional. Doesn’t seem very fiscally responsible.
During this time of COVID, this money would be better spent on things like disinfecting and sanitizing supplies for schools or personal protective equipment (PPE) for our teachers and medical heroes. Imagine how that money could help struggling small businesses or feed families of unemployed workers.
Acton, and others like her, have failed in their responsibilities. Diane Lewis is ready to step up. She will listen to and work for the voters. She has real work experience ensuring that money is spent wisely and efficiently. Isn’t that what all taxpayers want?
Charlotte Maloney, Millcreek