
Letter: Herbert is committing murder to get gain

To Gov. Herbert:

Committing “murder to get gain” (either political or financial gain) is a terrible sin, which must be avoided at all costs. It is how gangsters operate. Our political leaders should not buy into such evil and immoral actions. You should not needlessly take lives in order to “reopen the economy”; doing so is wicked. Yet, by not fully mandating public mask wearing and public social distancing, then that is what Utah’s executive branch is doing.

We are at a tipping point where cavalier and immoral individuals should not be allowed to harm others by running around in public, mask-naked. The maskless are risking the lives of other Utahns with their naked COVID-19-infected breath. You do not allow people to smoke in public places. You do not allow people to enter restaurants without shoes, a shirt and proper clothing. You would arrest anyone running around naked in public. So, why must Utahns suffer thoughtless and dangerous individuals running around in public, mask-naked? Why do you restrict those prior harmful behaviors, but allow the latter one, which has shown itself to be more deadly and economically harmful than the others?

Utahns have a duty to protect one another; that duty outweighs any notions of selfishness and complacency masquerading as “freedom.” It is not freedom — it is sheer stubbornness. That will not do for good Utahns who are making sacrifices for the lives of loved ones.

I ask you to end the practice of committing “murder to get gain.” The economy can be reopened safely — without having that egregious sin at your feet. You do not need to trade lives for a better economy. Instead, fully mandate mask wearing and social distancing now. And make sure that all Utahns really have the necessary and sufficient tools both to successfully reopen the economy, and to completely minimize the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations.

Larry Toscano, Bountiful

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