
Letter: Powerful white voices are needed to end racism

As our nation is collapsing under the weight of structural and institutional racism, we need to hear the powerful white voices of those who drive capitalism and control the majority of our country’s wealth.

Those voices have been decisive and persuasive during the COVID-19 pandemic in shaping our nation’s response to the virus. News outlets have clamored to hear from the rich and powerful and their views on public health and how to protect our country from viral infection.

Now that we are at the apex of a more deadly disease of racism where are those voices? The men who have built companies and dynasties, whose innovations we hold in awe, are silent as our black citizens are in a fight for their lives. The white men are in positions to demand justice and change at the highest levels of institutional power.

We need their action because the rich, poor, black, brown, white, female, male, Republican, Democrat, straight, gay listen to their perspectives, we respect their achievements and innovations and we now need them to help calm and rebuild our social structures.

The country which has allowed so many to create, flourish and rise is also oppressing and silencing the powerless.

Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us that “A man dies when he refuses to stand up for what is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.”

We call on those who are masters of the universe, champions of industry, leaders of innovation to not die, but to demand a seat at the table to change and shape democracy and in so doing give life to the vulnerable and powerless.

Carrie Gaykowski, Salt Lake City

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