
Letter: Wright is a hypocrite

Interesting campaign tactic from Thomas Wright. He says he wants to replace “career politicians” (meaning Jon Huntsman, obviously) but he picks Rob Bishop as his running mate.

Rob Bishop has been on the public payroll as a legislator since 1978. Forty-two years!

So why would Wright choose the ultimate career politician? In the 2016 election cycle, 92.6% of contributions to Bishop’s political campaign came from outside Utah, the highest out-of-state percentage of any member of the House, with many of the contributions coming from the energy sector, according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics.

Bishop’s masters are “big business.” They can count on him. They’d love to keep him pulling strings (and money) for them. And he can count on them.

Bishop’s contributors may be the reason we’re seeing so many expensive TV ads, ice cream give-away’s etc. for Thomas Wright, all thanks to the career politician running mate.

How do you spell hypocrite?

Bill Miller, Salt Lake City

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