
Letter: Exaggeration is basic to comedy

Chase Kimball’s emphatic letter published May 19 certainly leaves no question as to his opinion of Pat Bagley’s efforts as a cartoonist.

Bagley has been pretty consistently caustic through the years in expressing his ideas in cartoons. It is his style, and it is effective.

Kimball obviously doesn’t see humor in extreme exaggeration. Many comedians use exaggeration effectively in their comedic routines. It is a basic element in much of humor and always has been.

But looking beyond the cartoon, there is a very serious side to the issue. The U. S. Postal Service is a very important service provided by the government. Many people appreciate it and depend upon it.

It troubles me that Trump has attacked the postal service as well as many other important institutions apparently for selfish political reasons. I believe it is entirely appropriate for Bagley to bring Trump’s questionable actions to the attention of the people. His exaggeration serves to emphasize his point.

Richard Sandberg, Ivins

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