I am perplexed by the behavior of recent political figures. These figures are, in many instances, so rabidly pro-life that they try to confer upon fetuses the same rights to life that every American citizen enjoys. Yet these are the same people who are now so cavalier about American citizens dying from the coronavirus in order to restart the economy. Some have gone as far as to say “there are more important things than living.”
At first I found this to be contradictory. How can individuals who wail about the unborn be so callous about the safety of those who have made it to adulthood? The same people who resist including natural selection in school curriculums are now preaching the dark gospel of social Darwinism and eugenics.
A clue was offered by a Wisconsin Supreme Court justice when she made the comment that COVID-19 wasn’t affecting “regular folks.” It seems that the people that are most vulnerable to the virus, older and poorer Americans are not regular folk and therefore not entitled to a rabid defense of their right to life.
It really makes sense when you consider that these individuals support a political party that has made it their mission to weaken Social Security and Medicaid. I guess if you can’t limit the use of social programs through democratic means, it is acceptable to allow a disease to cull the numbers of people that use them. In order to avoid confusion, I would suggest that those defenders of life change their mantra to, “we are pro-life unless the GDP drops 4%.”
David Vala, Taylorsville