
Letter: LDS Church should help Navajo water project

I will never forget viewing a video about how The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints brought a source of water to an African village so residents wouldn’t have to walk miles to obtain enough water for their daily needs.

I have shed tears realizing how much my church has done to help people in need. And I have listened to Sharon Eubank, who is over the church’s humanitarian efforts, and been so touched by all she does. Reading the book, “Canyon Dreams: A Basketball Season on the Navajo Nation,” the words of the author described the same long trips for water and homes on the reservation without electricity. My heart aches for these noble Navajos and the struggle they have to get sufficient water.

My ancestors traveled across the plains and settled in the Salt Lake Valley in the mid 1800s. Mormons, as they were called, took prime land that had been the Native Americans’ for thousands of years.

Now our church is fabulously wealthy and able to help with many humanitarian projects all over the world. How wonderful it would be if The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were to help the Navajo Nation get running water and electricity or solar power for all those who do not have it.

Groups such as the Navajo Water Project, part of the nonprofit Dig Deep, have the expertise, and my church could provide the financial assistance to make sure every member of the Navajo Nation had clean water and a source of electricity.

Reminds me of Matthew 25: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

I plan to send this letter to Sharon Eubank in case she doesn’t read The Salt Lake Tribune.

Maude Norman, Salt Lake City

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