
Letter: No time to be an anti-vaxxer

Herd immunity occurs when around 90% of the population has effective antibodies to a contagious disease. COVID-19 is apparently about as deadly but more contagious than the flu. In lieu of a vaccine for COVID-19, social distancing and personal protective equipment act like a vaccine.

Just like anti-vaxxers with measles and mumps, those who claim it is their right to mingle threaten themselves, their families and others with contagion from COVID-19. Hundreds of these anti-vaxxers recently defied stay-at-home orders back east to demand their right to go back to work and this anti-vaxxer pressure is developing in Utah.

While social distancing is inconvenient and seriously hurting people, it is our only vaccine until one is developed by medical science. It provides our only herd immunity. So folks, for your sake and the sake of the rest of us, please don’t be an anti-vaxxer and do continue to observe the guidelines.

L. Cameron Mosher, Holladay

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