
Letter: Congress must declare war

Our nation has faced three existential threats, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and World War II. In each case, it survived and prospered largely due to the leadership of singular individuals, Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt.

Each acted under authority that placed the survival of the nation above individual liberties and the economy. Each mobilized the population in extraordinary ways. The latter two nationalized private companies and turned the astounding industrial and scientific capacity of our people to a common goal.

We face war with a virus that threatens hundreds of thousands of our citizens, can extinguish the largest economy of the world, and will lead to years of misery and unrest in underdeveloped countries. However, our national command authority is not up to the standard required to win. It ignores our precious technical resources, refuses to exercise the authority it has, and is embroiled in petty political battles on a daily basis.

Get real, people. Congress must declare war. Expand Selective Service to draft local, qualified medical personnel to serve in hospitals. Nationalize selected companies with the biotechnical and industrial resources to supply the country and the world. Sell war bonds.

We need leaders, not reality TV stars.

Guy Schultzman, Washington, Utah

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