
Letter: Keep daylight saving time

Regarding the current measure before the state Legislature to do away with daylight saving time: Historically it was first proposed by Ben Franklin in 1784. It was implemented during World War I to conserve fuel, but abolished after the war.

The Federal Uniform Time Act of 1966 established consistent time zones and daylight saving time, being amended in 1974, 1986 and 2005.

The benefits of daylight saving time are increased daylight hours in the summer evenings, more time for recreation, shopping, commerce, reduced crime and overall traffic safety. Benefits of returning to standard time in the winter months are earlier light and safety for pedestrians and children leaving for school, as well as earlier daylight for business and construction.

The main consideration for changing the law seems to be the discomfort twice a year adjusting to an hour of lost or gained sleep, which seems to be forgotten by the next day.

If that adjustment is so difficult, how are people able to tolerate flying to California where they gain an hour, and return to Utah, losing that hour? Doesn’t that mess with a person’s circadian rhythm as well?

Passing this bill would be as ill-advised as the recently enacted law eliminating auto safety inspections.

Robert Day, Salt Lake City

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