
Letter: Support for the Grand Pooh-Bah

Censure a senator for exercising his right to vote in a Senate trial because it didn’t support the Grand Pooh-Bah? Did I wake up in a different country, in an era eight or nine decades ago?

And this suggested by a man who disdains law?

Whether or not you agree with Romney’s vote, he had every right, indeed duty, to vote according to his conscience. In my humble opinion, he voted correctly.

There are three things buoying up the Grand Pooh-Bah:

1) The economy (golden calf), which he takes credit for but didn’t initiate.

2) Toadies such as Mitch McConnell, William Barr and other members of the tribe, who are either drunk with power or fearful or indebted or just plain blind to what’s happening or all of the above.

3) A lot of good people doing nothing.

Fred Murphy, Taylorsville

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