
Letter: Romney represents many moderate Republicans around the nation

It is interesting to hear Rep. Phil Lyman call for Sen. Mitt Romney to be censured for voting against President Donald Trump in the impeachment trial. Lyman is apparently enamored by a man who he recognizes to be a vindictive, retaliating tyrant who he doesn’t dare offend for fear he will take it out on Utah. Wow, Trump is someone to really be admired. Not!

Thank you, Mitt Romney, for having some backbone. Contrary to what some of our state legislators seem to believe, not all Republicans in Utah are Trump supporters. You represent the many moderate Republicans in Utah and around the nation who are disgusted by Trump’s lying, bullying, retaliatory and vengeful behavior. Leaders in the Republican Party need to recognize and acknowledge Trump’s bad behavior and censure him rather than continue to enable him by building him up with unwarranted praise.

Lynn F. Price, Salt Lake City

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