
Letter: Giani’s retirement was long overdue

I would like to raise a glass of mediocre wine to toast the long overdue retirement of Francine Giani from state government. Myself, along with dozens of former DABC employees, remember what we have come to call her “reign of terror” during the year she served as interim director of our state liquor agency.

Every time I stop by the downtown wine store, where I resigned five years ago as assistant manager, I’m reminded how poorly things are now run due to her draconian cuts in budget and staffing. Years prior, we had dynamic selection, innovative programs like product education, multiple new stores and constant customer service. This state agency has been a shadow of its former self for years now. Seems the Legislature (and other powers that be) are content to rake in ever higher profits with the least possible expenditure.

The old adage about Utah liquor policy always taking one step forward with two steps backward, never seemed more accurate than it has been in recent years. Ms. Giani, the latter-day Carrie Nation, has certainly left her mark on our state monopoly.

Gary Clark, Salt Lake City

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