
Letter: Some are more equal than others

For the past year, the Democratically controlled House of Representatives leadership has striven to institute an impeachment vote against a sitting president.

They have finally succeeded after three months of secret hearings, lack of transparency, unverified documents and the testimony of numerous individuals, most of whom had to admit they had no firsthand knowledge of the matters being discussed and several never having actually met the individual — the president — against whom they were testifying.

The matter now is in the hands of the Senate as per constitutional mandate. Regardless of the outcome, we leave any final decision to that congressional chamber. However, it appears the Democratic leadership, based on their rather unconventional investigation practices and absence of the rule of law, may have a new motto to go forth with in the upcoming electoral campaigns as they pursue control of the White House: “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others,” George Orwell, “Animal Farm.”

James Oshust, Millcreek

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