Salt Lake needs to find a place for e-scooter riders to feel safe riding. I recently read a study, and e-scooter riders mainly ride on sidewalks because they are afraid of cars. And for good reason.
Recently I tried riding on the street in the bike lane, using proper bike signaling techniques. In the mile that I was on the road to work, I had a truck drive within about 1 to 2 feet of me and rev its engine, as well as two cars honk at me on two separate occasions just for being on the road.
So, if nobody wants me on the road, what's the other option? The sidewalk. Where I would get glared at and would be considered breaking the law.
It's a no-win situation. There are no legally and socially acceptable places to ride an e-scooter. So we need to change.
Either we need to allow e-scooters on the sidewalk, educate local drivers that we're permitted on the road so they stop the abuse with loud horns and revving their engines at us, or we need a secondary scooter lane or sidewalk built just for us to use.
Tedd Vinson, Salt Lake City