
Letter: Time to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment

Equality Utah has been on the forefront of the equality fight. At their gala this past Saturday, they announced their next step – joining the fight to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.

In 2020, Utah could be the 38th and final state necessary to make the ERA a reality. For the good of our families, neighbors, friends and ourselves, it is past time that equality for everyone is protected in the United States Constitution. I am grateful to Equality Utah for what they have done and for their renewed commitment to equality for all.

Although women’s rights have advanced since the amendment was first proposed in 1923, enshrining our protection in the Constitution continues to not only be necessary, but vital.

Recently, the current administration filed briefs urging the Supreme Court to rule that sexual orientation is not protected under current federal non-discrimination laws. These cases are being heard this week. If the Supreme Court agrees, employers would be allowed to fire transgender employees.

Allowing this would not only harm those who are transgender, but would lay legal groundwork for allowing companies to require women to wear skirts, wear makeup or adhere to other sex-based stereotypes.

Ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment will protect the LGBTQ community, women and men who are our friends, family and neighbors.

Charlotte Maloney, Millcreek

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