In the age of Trump, ignoring ignorance is almost required for survival. But when it reaches into our own state Legislature, I will continue to resist.
In a front-page article in the Oct. 2 Tribune, “China’s big day: Trump, Romney at odds,” it was revealed that a Utah legislator, Rep. Lee Christofferson R-Lehi, had sponsored a law declaring Nov. 7 to be “Victims of Communism Memorial Day.” It passed without a dissenting vote.
In Christofferson’s words, “For example, World War II, some of the things that happened there — the atrocities ... people are denying what some of the communist regimes did and I think it’s good to remember what actually happened.”
Perhaps he was thinking of the atrocities committed by the fascists (German Nazis) and their allies. Like the Holocaust, for example. At that time, the USSR (Russia) was the only communist “regime,” and it was allied with the United States and drove the Nazi’s out of Eastern Europe at the cost of about 20 million of their own people. They were instrumental in defeating Nazism. The atrocities identified with WWII were associated with Hitler’s fascist regime, not the communists.
Post-war Russia acted horribly, but that’s a separate story. Read your history, Mr. Representative!
J.C. Smith, St. George