Last March, in a private meeting with advisors in the Oval Office, President Donald Trump said he wanted to close off our southern border to all would-be entrants, legal or not. He said he wanted his wall electrified, with a moat at its base filled with snakes or alligators. He said U.S. border guards should shoot migrants in the legs “to slow them down.” When informed that such actions were illegal, he said he would pardon anyone convicted. Fortunately, his advisers talked him out of it.
This is not the leader of some Third World dictatorship we’re talking about but the president of the United States of America. Somehow, this man continues to be supported by 40-45% of adult Americans, including virtually every Republican member of Congress. To those countrymen of mine, I paraphrase this famous question from 65 years ago, “Have you no shame?”
Tom Huckin, Salt Lake City