
Letter: A matter of record

“I’ve got this thing and it’s effing golden!” — Rod Blagojevich, governor of Illinois impeached and removed from office in 2009 for abuse of power and now serving 14 years in federal prison.

History is repeating itself, except that congressional Republicans are proving their cowardice by sticking to their weak defense of the president and using deflection of the real issues to false equivalence arguments. Contrast that with Illinois Democrat members of the assembly who were able to take their convictions from their conscience and lay them on a member of their own party.

The interest of nearly all members of Congress is self-preservation. I am saying that although Democrats are right on this issue, their reasons may not be right. Regardless, the right thing needs to be done in this case to finally demonstrate to our children, to our nation, and to the world, that this behavior and these actions are not only unacceptable and wrong, but should be repudiated and repugnant.

Previously I thought impeachment should be handled in an election. However, I’m ready to see a partisan impeachment in the House and a lack of conviction in the Senate. At least it will be on the record of who stands on the right side of the issue and who is standing on the wrong side.

Patrick Bennett Hagen, Mapleton

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