
Letter: Pro-life advocates are blind to cruelty and suffering

In a recent Sunday commentary, Merrilee Boyack appears naive, explaining her argument supporting a pro-life position. She infers that couples who engage in sexual intercourse have made a concerted decision to conceive.

The reality is that couples are interested more often than not in their own pleasure-seeking and, in the passion of the moment, have given little thought to the possibility of child-bearing.

Right-to-life supporters wear blinders when it comes to cruelty and suffering. Currently each year, 16.2 million children in this country are hungry. One in six boys and one in four girls are sexually abused before the age of 18. In 2015, 86% of abortions were performed on unmarried woman, most of whom were in their 20s. Will Ms. Boyack and her ilk provide the money and resources to eradicate these problems?

Ms. Boyack prefers to ignore the fact that illegal abortions put women at risk. She worries about the psychological consequences of deeds that cannot be undone. I would suggest mortality rates are more important. She compares abortion to slavery based on the question of legality when the two are very different issues.

Babies grow up, they have to be supported by this earth and there is no guarantee they will give back. Pro-lifers need to solve some of those problems before they rail at the rest of us.

Joan Provost, Salt Lake City

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