
Letter: Long live the Affordable Care Act

Applause and a hearty thank you to Salt Lake Tribune staff writers Benjamin Wood, Paighten Harkens, and secondarily to Yasmeen Abutaleb of The Washington Post, for writing so clearly to explain to the lay public about the latest wrinkle, and perhaps death knell, of our Legislature’s attempts to derail and kill the voters’ approval of full Medicaid expansion in Proposition 3 last November.

And to Editorial Page Editor George Pyle for his cutting description of the Legislature’s lack of “concern for the law or empathy for the people who need access to health care.”

Only the advocates and the legislative leadership, and perhaps many of the legislators, really understood all the machinations and the final SB 96 that was powered out by the GOP leadership during the last session.

I think most of us in the voting public struggled in vain to understand the details. We knew that many of our friends and neighbors got the shaft instead of health care.

Long live the ACA! And, voters, know where your state senator and representative stood on SB 96 when you need to vote for candidates in 2020.

Tom Metcalf, M.D., Murray

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