
Letter: Republicans are masters of the fear response

Rep. Chris Stewart’s recent speech at the Sutherland Institute, as reported by The Tribune, contained a mind-boggling amount of fear-mongering. I believe a significant percentage of our population is highly susceptible to fear-mongering and incapable of recognizing it, and as a result continually votes against their own best interests.

Stewart referenced Germany. I have worked for a German company for over 20 years and I have many German friends. I see the effects of the evil, German “socialist” system of government. I see happy and industrious people who greatly enjoy their government-mandated six weeks per year of vacation. Germany and other evil, socialist European countries are consistently ranked as having the highest quality of life.

The socialist country known as Canada has been ranked No. 1 in quality of life by U.S. News and World Report for the last three years.

Republicans are masters at manipulating the fear response. I beg the citizens of Utah, and the entire country, to recognize political manipulations on both sides, look beyond your indoctrination (we all have some), control your fear response, and determine which candidates and party promote and enact effective policies that help society as a whole and your life in particular.

Stewart’s exaggeration of “socialism” is incredulous. However, we do have some socialist components of our government and society. I suggest you ask yourself if our socialist K-12 education system has benefited your family, and what effects a K-12 education system which could only be afforded by a certain segment of society would have on our country.

Douglas Rush, Millcreek

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