
Letter: Rep. Ben McAdams sided with fat cats over working-class Utahns

Rep. Ben McAdams voted against a gradual rise to the minimum wage to $15 over the next 6 years. He said, “A solution that works in New York City or Los Angeles doesn’t work for Utah.” Really? McAdams must believe you can make it in Utah on $7.25 an hour. He should try it! A minimum wage worker in Utah makes less per month than the cost of a shabby one-bedroom apartment. $7.25 is a poverty wage and it must change.

McDonald’s made $21 billion in 2018. The fast food industry made $570 billion (more than the GDP of most countries), yet the workers who make the food and create the profits don’t deserve a living wage?

Increasing the minimum wage is good for our economy. It puts more money into the system. We need to stop all the wealth going to the few and get more money in the hands of the many.

We needed McAdams to step up for working-class Utahns. He sided with the corporate fat cats. We would have gotten the same shaft from Mia Love. We needed a working-class champion. Instead, we got a Republican sound bite. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

John Nelson, Salt Lake City

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