Regarding Stuart C. Reid’s column in the June 30 Salt Lake Tribune about Barry Goldwater:
Goldwater said, “I was the first to go to him (Nixon) and told him to tell the truth, … and he didn’t do it. And the more it went on, the madder I got because the more he lied to the American people. He lied to me. He lied to his family. He lied to everybody. It made me realize that all Dick Nixon was interested in was Richard Milhous Nixon. He didn’t care about the country.”
Now, who does that bring to mind? Barry Goldwater, where are you now that we need you? How much longer are the American people going to put up with Donald Trump’s lies (now documented at more than 10,000), groping women and bragging about it. Oh, that’s right, “She is not my type.”
Joking with Vladimir Putin and always in the front line when pictures are taken, with that silly grin on his face.
Luana Chapman, Holladay