
Letter: Hold elected leaders responsible

I believe that many of our elected leaders are complicit in shootings involving police officers and lawbreakers.

Liberal democratic mayors and governors are telling their police departments to not cooperate with ICE agents collecting illegal immigrants who have been ordered by the court to leave the U.S. and have chosen to ignore the court order. I believe this kind of lawlessness on the part of elected officials is one of the reasons that many lawbreakers are challenging law enforcement.

This sometimes ends in law enforcement shooting people who disobey police directives and who reasonably believed they pose a threat in carrying out law enforcement duties. When crooks think “government” is supporting them over police, we have a serious problem.

It is time for the federal government to hold any such individual responsible as a participant in illegal acts. In addition, action should be taken against the city or state where their leaders are ordering illegal acts. Loss of any federal funds would be a start but not enough to compensate for their participation in crimes against law abiding citizens.

I’m suggesting criminal charges against elected leaders (including Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski) who are aiding those breaking the law.

Gene Sturzenegger, St. George

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