I do not support the inland port. If it goes through, Salt Lake City will bear the social costs, including increased pollution and interstate traffic, and the monetary costs associated with city road repair.
Couple that with the state’s clear land and revenue grabs, and with the poor prospect for high-paying jobs, I am left with no conclusion other than our City Council, led by Charlie Luke, has abdicated to the state in favor of a harmful deal for Salt Lake.
The argument that an inland port will result in increased jobs has been overstated. If the port is done right, corporations will build facilities that rely increasingly on technology and less on a human workforce. And, let’s face it, corporations have every incentive to build facilities less reliant on labor. What jobs are created will likely be lower paying and yield fewer benefits.
We all know how problematic our air quality can be during cold-weather months. Now imagine the increase in trucking, trains and aircraft that an inland port will bring. A wintertime walk around the block will take on a whole new level of soot.
While I can’t quantify the costs associated with increased pollution, I am certain they will rise. Children, the elderly, those with various forms of lung disease and people working outdoors will bear the disproportionate brunt of added contaminants.
Finally, failing to pursue an in-court remedy for the state’s land and revenue grabs does Salt Lake City a disservice. Certainly, the loss of property and revenue is not in our city’s interest.
I have to seriously question whether Mr. Luke’s motivation toward the port lay more in line with his lobbying interests than with those of Salt Lake City residents. Maintaining favorable relations with state representatives is crucial if Luke wants to attract, retain and curry legislative favor for his clients.
It is time to send a clear message to the Salt Lake City Council. Let them know how you feel about this misguided plan. Tell them that we need to fight both the inland port and the state. And then head to the polls and vote for a fresh council change. One that represents the citizens’ interests. Start by voting Charlie Luke out of office.
Roger Nedel, Salt Lake City