
Letter: Romney neither leads nor follows, so he should get out of the way

When speaking about problem solving, automotive genius Lee Iacocca instructed that involved people should either “lead, follow or get out of the way.” Good advice.

When it was announced that President Donald Trump was imposing a 5% tariff on Mexican imports, Sen. Mitt Romney’s response was the usual worn-out and politically safe line of puppy snark; the government should focus on border security and the elimination of legal loopholes. Good grief!

Romney and his political pals are the government, but lacking the intellectual capacity and moral guts to solve the immigration dilemma, they continually choose to neither lead nor follow, so should get out of the way.

You can say what you will about Trump, but give the president credit for going around our inept Congress, again, and doing something to bring to an end the perpetual mess at our southern border.

All the more power to him.

Richard Ewing Davis, Stansbury Park

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