
Letter: Government has no place in the decision to end a pregnancy

Riverton’s Resolution in Support of Human Life is out of line, and only represents the personal beliefs of the city council and some other individuals. I understand there are many people who believe abortion is wrong. It’s their right to hold that belief. However, that belief should not dictate what options are available for every woman in any situation, and is not part of a city council’s role. It’s a thinly veiled attempt to gain attention and to influence a community.

The reality is no woman wants to have an abortion, but there are many circumstances in which it’s the best choice, and it’s nobody else’s business but hers.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg makes this clear in her statement to the Senate in her Supreme Court nomination confirmation hearing: “The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, to her wellbeing and dignity. It is a decision she must make for herself ... When Government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.”

The decision to end a pregnancy is a private matter, in which a government entity has no place.

Andrea Rodriguez, Holladay

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