
Letter: Sen. Lee is an embarrassment to Utah

As I was planning my retirement in Salt Lake City from Southern California, many friends and family members wondered incredulously why I would want to move to Utah.

"Have you been there recently?" I asked them all.

I explained that Salt Lake City is a vibrant, mid-sized city with an admirable mass transportation system, rich cultural events, progressive political leanings and a surprisingly diverse population. And Utah is arguably the most beautiful state in our great Union.

For quite some time, I have been enlightening my friends and family as to the many positives to be found in Utah.

Then, to my great embarrassment, I witnessed the snide and snarky presentation Sen. Mike Lee made on the senate floor.

It seemed that all of my years of influencing opinions in my world were wiped out. Utah suddenly became once again a laughing stock.

Sen. Lee, please stop embarrassing us. You do our great state a gross disservice. If you have a salient alternative for dealing with climate change, by all means, share it with us. Otherwise, please button it.

Dale Palmer, Sandy

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