
Letter: We need to see the whole Mueller report

The charge of the special counsel’s investigation was to investigate the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. That’s what I want to read about, directly, from Robert Mueller’s full report. And it is what all Americans should want to read, and digest, for themselves.

We know that a dozen Russian nationals were indicted, though they won't be able to be prosecuted.

The collusion theme was a sideshow. The president should not crow about total exoneration, and those who trumpeted collusion should be chastened.

The television coverage, across the political spectrum, has been abominable, focusing on collusion and not on the purpose of the investigation — Russian interference in our 2016 election.

Let's stop the worthless conjecture. Let's work to protect our electoral system from foreign interference. Let's learn what Mueller found out, from his report, not from cursory summaries, so we are not victims of Russian meddling in our elections going forward.

Rochelle Kaplan, Cottonwood Heights

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