
Letter: House rejects a deterrent to stupid behavior

Once again, the Utah Legislature has said it’s OK to drive with one hand while holding and talking on a cellphone with the other.

Rep. Carol Moss introduced a bill, for the third time, to make it illegal to use a hand-held device while driving. Again it was defeated.

Is this an acceptable practice in the eyes of the legislators who voted no? Will my grandchildren pass drivers education while holding and talking on their cellphones?

Between 2007 and 2016, Utah had 52,000 accidents caused by distracted driving; 203 of them were fatal.

Moss says that one of the reasons she believes the bill was defeated was that the legislatures are doing it themselves.

Enter Rep. Mike Winder, to demonstrate on television how safe this behavior is. Winder demonstrated how he straps the phone to his left hand while driving. Does this allow him to read texts and emails while driving? Does he believe this is safe as long as he does not reply back?

Moss states she is simply introducing a deterrent to bad behavior. Isn’t that what all the laws the Legislature pass carrying a penalty are? This one is a deterrent to stupid behavior.

Gregory Jones, North Salt Lake

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