
Letter: Cohen’s testimony was stomach-turning

The spectacle of Michael Cohen testifying before Congress was enough to turn my stomach.

Not the fact that he openly admitted to perjuring himself in the service of Donald Trump, but the behavior of the Republicans on the committee.They made a big show of outrage trying to discredit Cohen as an admitted liar in the service of his client.

These same people — and all Utah's Republicans in the House — offer unqualified support for Trump who, according to The Fact Checker, has told almost 8,000 false or misleading statements as President. He has lied about everything from the size of the crowd at his inauguration, the number of would be immigrants at the southern border, even the number of burgers he served to the Clemson football team.

Much of what Congress has passed under Trump has been negative for everyday Americans. Whittling away at Obamacare and at Obama's environmental controls. Passing a tax bill which enriched the top 1 percent and added over $1 trillion to the deficit (so far).

In my opinion, the first step toward an effective government is to reject "Party first and foremost" and vote out all of our congressional delegation.

Sometimes, as with children, the only treatment that works is a short, sharp shock.

Frank Fish, Park City

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