Within the last week, with some concern about the air quality in the Salt Lake Valley, I attempted to find the best and most simple bus route to my office in Holladay from my home near 3000 South and 700 East. (http://www.rideuta.com/)
I consider myself very well-read and educated. My technology skills are so-so but, at age 60, I don't know sometimes if it's me or the website.
In looking for the best route to and from my office and home, it has now taken me two visits to the UTA website and I still have no idea what will work. I used multiple parameters on my locations and at times the UTA site overrode me and told me I live in Alpine and need to catch FrontRunner and then catch some more buses.
I am not that stupid.
If the UTA were a private company, its stockholders would have demanded criminal charges against many of their top executives and the board. And they would be bankrupt. It appears that it is more simple for me, from my dealing (ordeal?) with UTA that I would rather ride my bike, take Uber or Lyft or, what I wished to avoid if reasonably possible, drive by myself in my own well-tuned and maintained vehicle.
William R. Hadley, Millcreek