
Letter: Let’s do the math on poverty and Medicaid

So our esteemed Legislature has come up with a win/win proposal for Medicaid expansion. Really? Let’s do the math.

Taking into consideration the current cost of living and average rent for a single bedroom apartment in the Salt Lake Valley, the cost for a single person to live and have shelter is $1,512. Their income at poverty level is $1,012. This equates to living each month with a $500 deficit to what is needed to get by. Our legislators will give them full Medicaid. Thank you. So generous.

At 138 percent of the poverty level, the income level increases to a whopping $1,396. This reduces these individuals deficit to live to $116 a month. Our legislators would have these people “come up with” very low premiums for the Affordable Care Act, which they are doing all they can to repeal, from their monthly income. Goodbye to your bus pass, food in your belly, heat or electricity. It’s your choice.

At 150 percent of the poverty level, these people would finally see $6 more than their cost of living. Enjoy that donut and coffee you’ve been craving. Lucky you!

The legislators and governor can all walk around patting each other on the backs for finding a great solution that is so much better than the majority voted for, all at the expense of our poorest most vulnerable citizens. Great job, legislators. You should be so proud!

Kim Wilson, Murray

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