I am writing to express my disappointment at KUTV’s insensitive advertisement of its report about the American International School of Utah. The report aired Jan. 21 under the general title “Beyond the Books: Fixing Failing Schools.” The same unfortunate title is being used on a billboard along the highway.
I teach ninth-grade science at AISU. I am new to the school but not new to education. This is my 24th consecutive year teaching high school chemistry. I can attest that the students at AISU are as sincere and intelligent as any I have taught. My colleagues at the school are among the most dedicated and caring professionals I have known. The school’s new administration is very open about its work with the Utah State Board of Education.
The school community has been made aware of the school’s status, and the atmosphere at AISU is that each day presents opportunities for learning. While the school has faced some challenges in the past, these are being addressed, and the USBE has acknowledged the school’s efforts.
Imagine how a young student is going to feel if she sees KUTV’s report about her school? She might doubt her motivation, her goals or her teachers. KUTV clearly seems more interested in serving itself to viewers instead of serving the greater community to better schools.
Thomas Robinson, Brigham City