
Letter: If the inland port is so perfect, why do we have to pay for it?

Recently I attended the Hinckley Institute session on the proposed inland port, featuring a panel including ex-House Speaker Greg Hughes, Salt Lake City Councilman James Rogers and Utah World Trade Center President Miles Hansen.

Boys, we get it. Salt Lake City is perfectly positioned. Industry worldwide is electrified at the logistical ease of an entity at the crossroads of rail, interstate and airport, and now you’ve grabbed the available land. But I was not the only unimpressed audience member looking for a deeper, less manipulative conversation.

What I need to know is this:

  • Why should residents be excited about this highly industrial effort, befouling our environment? Do the benefits outweigh the costs?

  • What assurances do we have that the jobs created won’t primarily be via temp agencies as they have at similar entities, featuring low wages, lacking the security that encourages workers to become grounded and invested in our community?

  • Finally, if Salt Lake City is so perfect, with benefits no other region can offer, why are taxpayers required to fund it? The tax abatements are crushing Elwood, Ill., as they scramble to repair infrastructure destroyed by the volume, weight and frequency of commerce. If it’s perfect, shouldn’t they pay us?

Kirsten Park, Salt Lake City

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